Saturday, June 30, 2018



Database Management System Questions and Answers

Our 1000+ Database Management System questions and answers focuses on all areas of Database Management System subject covering 100+ topics in Database Management System. These topics are chosen from a collection of most authoritative and best reference books on Database Management System. One should spend 1 hour daily for 2-3 months to learn and assimilate Database Management System comprehensively. This way of systematic learning will prepare anyone easily towards Database Management System interviews, online tests, examinations and certifications.


– 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions & Answers in Database Management System with explanations
– Lots of MCQs with Database Management System code/programming snippet and its output
– Every MCQ set focuses on a specific topic in Database Management System

Who should Practice these Database Management System Questions?
– Anyone wishing to sharpen their skills on Database Management System programming language
– Anyone preparing for aptitude test in Database Management System (both objective type and coding written test)
– Anyone preparing for interviews (campus/off-campus interviews, walk-in interview and company interviews)
– Anyone preparing for entrance examinations and other competitive examinations
– All – Experienced, Freshers and Students

Here’s list of Questions & Answers on Database Management System with 100+ topics:

1. Questions and Answers on The Relational Model

The following sections contains various questions on dealing with the concept of Relational Model. These include relational and database schema, keys and relational query operators.

Relational Database and Database Schema
Relational Query Operations and Relational Operators

2. Questions on SQL : Queries, Constraints and Triggers

The sections contains different set of questions on SQL basics, set and null value operations, database modifications, views and transactions, different types of integrity constraints, joins, nested subqueries and aggregate functions, schemas and data types, triggers, functions and procedures and different queries and aggregation features.

SQL Basics and SQL Data Definition
SQL Queries
Basic SQL Operations
Set Operations
Null Values Operations
Aggregate Functions and Nested Subqueries 1
Aggregate Functions and Nested Subqueries 2
Modification of Database
Join Expressions
Integrity Constraints
SQL Data Types and Schemas
Access SQL From a Programming Language
Functions and Procedures
Recursive Queries and Aggregation Features

3. Questions and Answers on Relational Algebra

The section contains questions and answers on different concepts of relational algebra. These include domain and tuple relational calculus.

Relational Algebra Tuple Relational Calculus and Domain Relational Calculus

4. Questions on Database Systems Design and Implementation

The sections contains questions on E-R model, E-R design, constraints, atomic domains and querying databases like DDL and DML.

The Entity-Relationship Model
Entity-Relationship Diagrams
Reduction to Relational Schemas
Entity-Relationship Design Issues
Extended E-R Features
Querying database part-1 DDL
Querying database part-2 DML
Atomic Domains

5. Questions and Answers on Normalization

The following section contains questions and answers on different normal forms, multivalued dependencies and decomposition algorithms, user interfaces and different application programs.

Normal Forms
Functional-Dependency Theory
Algorithms for Decomposition
Multivalued Dependencies
Database Design Process
Application Programs and User Interfaces

6. Questions on Database Programming Techniques

The section includes many questions on fundamentals of web programming, JSP and servlets, application performance and security, application encryption and architecture.

Web Fundamentals
Servlets and JSP
Application Architectures
Rapid Application Development
Application Performance
Application Security
Encryption and Its Applications

7. Questions and Answers on Storage and File Structures

The section contains questions and answers on different storage structures like physical, flash, tertiary, data-dictionary and file structures like RAID, file record organisation and database buffers.

Physical Storage Media
Magnetic Disk and Flash Storage
Tertiary Storage
File Organisations
Organization of Records in Files
Data-Dictionary Storage
Database Buffer

8. Questions on Indexing and Hashing

The section contains questions on index definition, bitmap and ordered indices and various hashing techniques.

Ordered Indices
Hashing Techniques
Ordered Indexing and Hashing
Bitmap Indices
Index Definition in SQL

9. Questions and Answers on Query Processing Techniques

The section contains questions and answers on query processing and optimization techniques, selection, sort and join operations, relational expressions and materialized views.

Query Processing
Selection Operation
Join Operations
Evaluation of Expressions
Transformation of Relational Expressions
Estimating Statistics of Expression Results
Materialized Views
Advanced Query Optimization

10. Questions on Transactions

The section contains questions on concepts of transaction, storage structures, properties of transaction like atomicity, durability, isolation and their implementations and different querying databases.

Transaction Concept
A Simple Transaction Model
Storage Structure
Transaction Atomicity and Durability
Querying database part 3
Querying database part 4
Querying database part 5
Implementation of Isolation Levels
Transactions as SQL Statements

11. Questions and Answers on Concurrency Control

The section contains questions and answers on deadlocks, lock based protocols, granularity, types of reads like insertion, deletion and predicate and the concept of concurrency in index structures.

Lock-Based Protocols
Multiple Granularity
Multiversion Schemes
Snapshot Isolation
Insertion Deletion Predicate Reads
Concurrency in Index Structures

12. Questions on Recovery System

The section contains questions on classification of failures, backup systems, buffer management and recovery and different lock releases.

Failure Classification
Buffer Management
Failure with Nonvolatile Storage
Lock Release and Undo Operations
Remote Backup Systems
If you like to learn Database Management System thoroughly, you should attempt to work on the complete set of Database Management System questions and answers mentioned above. It will immensely help anyone trying to crack a Database Management System code or an interview.

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