Thursday, September 26, 2019

It is the specialized Entity Relationship diagram symbols, and the meanings of those symbols


SymbolShape NameSymbol Description
ERD Symbols and Meaning - EntityEntityAn entity is represented by a rectangle which contains the entity’s name.
ERD Symbols and Meaning - Weak EntityWeak EntityAn entity that cannot be uniquely identified by its attributes alone. The existence of a weak entity is dependent upon another entity called the owner entity. The weak entity’s identifier is a combination of the identifier of the owner entity and the partial key of the weak entity.
ERD Symbols and Meaning - Associative EntityAssociative EntityAn entity used in a many-to-many relationship (represents an extra table). All relationships for the associative entity should be many
ERD Symbols and Meaning - AttributeAttributeIn the Chen notation, each attribute is represented by an oval containing atributte’s name
ERD Symbols and Meaning - Key attributeKey attributeAn attribute that uniquely identifies a particular entity. The name of a key attribute is underscored.
ERD Symbols and Meaning - Multivalue attributeMultivalued attributeAn attribute that can have many values (there are many distinct values entered for it in the same column of the table). Multivalued attribute is depicted by a dual oval.
ERD Symbols and Meaning - Derived attributeDerived attributeAn attribute whose value is calculated (derived) from other attributes. The derived attribute may or may not be physically stored in the database. In the Chen notation, this attribute is represented by dashed oval.
ERD Symbols and Meaning - RelationshipStrong relationshipA relationship where entity is existence-independent of other entities, and PK of Child doesn’t contain PK component of Parent Entity. A strong relationship is represented by a single rhombus
ERD Symbols and Meaning - Identifying RelationshipWeak (identifying) relationshipA relationship where Child entity is existence-dependent on parent, and PK of Child Entity contains PK component of Parent Entity. This relationship is represented by a double rhombus.

Entity Relationship Diagram Symbols — Crow’s Foot notation

Relationships (Cardinality and Modality)
ERD symbol -  Entity relationshipZero or One
ERD symbol -  Entity relationshipOne or More
ERD symbol -  Entity relationshipOne and only One
ERD symbol -  Entity relationshipZero or More
Many - to - One
ERD Symbols - Relationship Many to Onea one through many notation on one side of a relationship and a one and only one on the other
ERD Symbols - Relationship Many to Onea zero through many notation on one side of a relationship and a one and only one on the other
ERD Symbols - Relationship Many to Onea one through many notation on one side of a relationship and a zero or one notation on the other
ERD Symbols - Relationship Many to Onea zero through many notation on one side of a relationship and a zero or one notation on the other
Many - to - Many
ERD Symbols - Relationship Many to Manya zero through many on both sides of a relationship
ERD Symbols - Relationship Many to Manya zero through many on one side and a one through many on the other
ERD Symbols - Relationship Many to Manya one through many on both sides of a relationship
ERD Symbols - Relationship Many to Manya one and only one notation on one side of a relationship and a zero or one on the other
ERD Symbols - Relationship Many to Manya one and only one notation on both sides

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